2010年1月20日 星期三


眾所周知, 懷孕哺乳期母狗對營養的需求很大, 因為除了要滿足母狗本身的營養需要, 還要滿足胎兒的營養需要, 很多朋友認為胎兒要生長, 很需要鈣質, 因此給母狗大量補鈣~~

第1部分: 需要額外補鈣嗎???
獸醫學博士Ron Hines寫過一片文章講如何照顧懷孕哺乳期母狗~~

原文在這裡: http://www.2ndchance.info/pregnantdog.htm

其中還調強1句 "There is no need to give a vitamin or mineral supplement."

還有很多外文網站在寫到這個問題時, 意見和獸醫學博士Ron Hines都是相同的~~~
1) Calcium is one supplement that deserves some special attention. Supplementing a pregnant dog is definitely not recommended.

2) Although it is true that a female's need for calcium increases during pregnancy and lactation, supplementing with calcium is not necessary.

3) do not supplement your pregnant dog with calcium unless specifically instructed by your veterinarian.

4) Don't give your dog vitamin or mineral supplements, especially calcium supplements
所以, 無需額外給母狗補鈣了.

第2部分: 小狗生長所需要的這麼多鈣質~倒底從哪裡來???


文中提到: When a female is nursing, there is an increased demand for calcium. The bones provide an abundant resource, but the withdrawal of calcium from the bones depends on several hormones.

所以說骨頭是鈣 "銀行"
當鈣多的時候, 1部分鈣會存到 "銀行" 裡
當鈣不夠的時候, 1部分鈣會從 "銀行" 裡提出來.
母狗在懷孕哺乳期 ~~很需要鈣~~
因此, 這時體內會分泌激素
當懷孕哺乳期後, 狗狗又能從食物中吸收鈣質, 很快就會恢復.

第3部分: 為什麼不能大量補鈣補鈣??? 會有什麼風險???
讓母狗依賴人給她補的鈣 ~~1旦補得不夠, 鈣質又無法及時從骨頭中分離出來, 
這時母狗血鈣含量就降低, 血鈣含量過低的話, 對母狗有生命危險!!!!
因為鈣不僅組成了骨頭, 還參與了體內很多的生化反應, 
肌肉的每1下收縮, 包括心臟的每下跳動都和鈣有關,
低血鈣的後果可想而知, 可能會讓母狗(特別是小型犬)抽搐到死~~

此外 ~鈣過多的話~~
還可能讓母狗難產, 對小狗狗的骨骼也不好, 因為:
1) 鈣會沉積在幼犬軟組織裡.
2) 鈣過多讓幼犬關節發育不正常.

1) Further, supplementation can suppress her natural calcium releasing hormones so that when she really needs extra calcium during nursing, she will not have the proper hormone balance to get it. This can create a very dangerous situation which could easily be avoided by avoiding supplementation of calcium.
此外, 補充鈣能抑制她的天然鈣釋放激素, 因此, 當她真正需要護理過程中額外的鈣時, 她將不會有適當的激素平衡去得到它. 這可以造成1個非常危險的處境, 所以避免補鈣.

2) Giving calcium supplementation, especially late in pregnancy, has been linked to increasing the risk of eclampsia (low blood calcium) in nursing dogs. Excess calcium has also been linked to difficult deliveries, soft tissue calcium deposits in the puppies and certain joint abnormalities in the pups. For this reason, do not supplement your pregnant dog with calcium unless specifically instructed by your veterinarian.
給予補鈣, 尤其是在懷孕後期, 會增加狗狗子癇的風險(低血鈣). 過量的鈣也被認為會難產, 鈣沉澱在幼犬的軟組織令某些關節異常. 出於這個原因, 不要補充鈣給懷孕的狗狗, 除非是通過您的獸醫指示.

3) Eclampsia can occur before delivery or up to 6 weeks after delivery. Often it appears in the first 3 weeks after delivery. It is caused from receiving to high a dose of supplemented calcium.
子癇可發生在分娩前或分娩後的6個星期, 通常在分娩後的第3週出現, 這是由於從接受高劑量的補充鈣.

4) Adding calcium to the bitch's diet can actually increase the likelihood of eclampsia or milk fever once the puppies are born.
母狗的飲食中添加鈣, 實際上可以增加幼犬出生後的子癇或產乳熱的可能性.

5) Nor will supplementing with calcium prevent eclampsia (sometimes called "milk fever"), which may occur after the young are born and nursing. Eclampsia is not a nutritional disease, but a metabolic condition. Eclampsia occurs when these hormones are not helping to release enough calcium for the extra demands of milk production.
也將補充鈣防止子癇(也被稱為“牛奶熱”), 年輕的出生和護理後可能發生的. 子癇不是1種營養性疾病, 而是1種代謝狀況. 子癇發生時, 這些激素是不能幫助釋放足夠的鈣質的牛奶生產的額外要求.

